
1.abdomen (n.) :
the part of your body between your chest and legs which contains your stomach, bowels etc
2.abide (v.) : used to say that someone dislikes something or someone very much
   abide by :
to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it
3.abolish (v.) :
to officially end a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long time
4.abrupt (adj.) : sudden and unexpected
5.absurd (adj.) : completely stupid or unreasonable
6.abundant (adj.) :
something that is abundant exists or is available in large quantities so that there is more than enough
7.accustom (v.) : to make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place
8.ace (n.) : someone who is extremely skilful at doing something
9.acknowledge (v.) : to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists
   acknowledgement (n.) : the act of admitting or accepting that something is true
   knowledge (n.) : the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience
10.addict (n.) : someone who is unable to stop taking drugs
11.adept (adj.) :
good at something that needs care and skill
12.adjoin (v.) : a room, building, or piece of land that adjoins something is next to it and connected to it
13.adjustment (n.) : a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation
14.admiral (n.) : a high rank in the British or US navy, or someone with this rank
15.adolescence (n.) :
the time, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, when a young person is developing into an adult
16.adolescent (n.) :
a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult
17.adore (v.) : to love someone very much and feel very proud of them
18.advisory (adj.) : having the purpose of giving advice
19.affection (n.) : a feeling of liking or love and caring [= fondness]
20.agenda (n.) : a list of problems or subjects that a government, organization etc is planning to deal with
21.agitate (v.) : to make someone feel anxious, upset, and nervous
22.agony (n.) : very severe pain; a very sad, difficult, or unpleasant experience
23.agreeable (adj.) : written or old-fashioned pleasant; to be willing to do something or willing to allow something to be done
24.agreement (n.)
: an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or more people, companies, organizations etc; when people have the same opinion as each other
25.agriculture (n.) : the practice or science of farming
26.aimless (adj.) : not having a clear purpose or reason
27.airtight (adj.) : not allowing air to get in or out; planned or done so carefully that there is no chance of any problems or mistakes
28.aisle (n.) : a long passage between rows of seats in a church, plane, theatre etc, or between rows of shelves in a shop
29.algebra (n.)  a type of mathematics that uses letters and other signs to represent numbers and values
30.alien (adj.) : very different from what you are used to, especially in a way that is difficult to understand or accept [= strange]; belonging to another country or race [= foreign]
31.allergy (n.) : a medical condition in which you become ill or in which your skin becomes red and painful because you have eaten or touched a particular substance
     be allergic to something : if you are allergic to something, you do not like it and try to avoid it
32.alter (v.) : to change, or to make someone or something change
     alternate (v.)
: if two things alternate, or if you alternate them, they happen one after the other in a repeated pattern
     alternate (adj.) : used to replace another thing of the same type [= alternative]
33.altitude (n.) : the height of an object or place above the sea
34.ample (adj.) : more than enough
35.amusement (n.) : the feeling you have when you think something is funny; the process of getting or providing pleasure and enjoyment
36.anchor (n.)
: a piece of heavy metal that is lowered to the bottom of the sea, lake etc to prevent a ship or boat moving
     anchor (v.) : to lower the anchor on a ship or boat to hold it in one place [= moor]; to fasten something firmly so that it cannot move

37.anthem (n.)
: a song that a particular group of people consider to be very important
     national anthem (n.) : the official song of a nation that is sung or played on public occasions
38.antique (n.) : a piece of furniture, jewellery etc that was made a very long time ago and is therefore valuable
     antique (adj.) : antique furniture, jewellery etc is old and often valuable
39.applaud (v.) : to hit your open hands together to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker etc [= clap]
     applause (n.) : the sound of many people hitting their hands together and shouting, to show that they have enjoyed something
40.apt (adj.) : exactly right for a particular situation or purpose [= appropriate]
41.arctic (adj.) : relating to the most northern part of the world; extremely cold
42.arena (n.) : a building with a large flat central area surrounded by seats, where sports or entertainments take place
43.armed (adj.) : carrying weapons, especially a gun
44.ascend (v.) : to move up through the air; to climb something or move to a higher position
45.ass (n.) : the part of your body that you sit on; a donkey
46.assault (n.) : the crime of physically attacking someone
     assault (v.) :  to attack someone in a violent way
47.asset (n.) : the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts
48.assignment (n.) : a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job; a piece of work that a student is asked to do
49.astonish (v.) : to surprise someone very much
[= amaze]
     astonishment (n.) : complete surprise [= amazement]
50.astray (adv.) : to encourage someone to do bad or illegal things; if a plan or action goes astray, it goes wrong
51.attachment (n.) : a document or file that is sent with an email message
52.attendance (n.) : when someone goes to a meeting, class etc, or an occasion when they go
     attendant (adj.) : relating to or caused by something, attendant problems/difficulties/dangers etc
53.attentive (adj.) : listening to or watching someone carefully because you are interested (n.) : a lawyer
55.auditorium (n.) : a large building used for concerts or public meetings
56.autograph (n.) :
a famous person's signature that they give to someone who admires them
     autograph (v.) : if a famous person autographs a book, photograph etc, they sign it
57.awareness (n.) : the ability to notice something using your senses
58.awe (n.) : a feeling of great respect and liking for someone or something
     awe (v.) : if you are awed by someone or something, you feel great respect and liking for them, and are often slightly afraid of them
59.awhile (adv.) : for a short time
60.bachelor (n.) : a man who has never been married; a first university degree in an arts
subject, a science subject etc
61.backbone (n.) : the row of connected bones that go down the middle of your back [= spine]
62.backup (n.) : something that you can use to replace something that does not work or is lost; people or things that can be used to provide support and help if they are needed; someone who will play in a sports team if one of the other players is injured or ill [= reserve]
63.backyard (n.) : an area of land behind a house, often covered with grass
64.badge (n.) : a small piece of metal or plastic that you carry to show people that you work for a particular organization, for example that you are a police officer
65.ballad (n.) : a slow love song; a short story in the form of a poem or song
66.ballot (n.) : a system of voting, usually in secret, or an occasion when you vote in this way; a piece of paper on which you make a secret vote [= ballot paper]
67.ballpoint (n.) : a pen with a ball at the end that rolls ink onto the paper
68.ballroom (n.) :  a very large room used for dancing on formal occasions
69.ban (n.) : an official order that prevents something from being used or done
     ban (v.) : to say that something must not be done, seen, used etc [= prohibit; ≠ allow]
70.bandit (n.) : someone who robs people, especially one of a group of people who attack travellers
71.banking (n.) : the business of a bank
72.banner (n.) : a long piece of cloth on which something is written, often carried between two poles
73.banquet (n.) : a formal dinner for many people on an important occasion
74.baptism (n.) : a Christian religious ceremony in which someone is touched or covered with water to welcome them into the Christian faith, and 75.sometimes to officially name them
76.barbarian (n.) : someone from a different tribe or land, who people believe to be wild and not civilized
77.barbershop (n.) : a shop where men's hair is cut
78.bass (n.) : a very low male singing voice, or a man with a voice like this; the lower half of the whole range of musical notes
79.batch (n.) : a group of people or things that arrive or are dealt with together; a quantity of food, medicine etc that is produced or prepared at the same time
80.bathtub (n.) :  a long large container that you fill with water and sit or lie in to wash yourself
81.batter (v.) : to hit someone or something again and again, in a way that hurts someone or causes damage
82.bazaar (n.) : a market or area where there are a lot of small shops, especially in India or the Middle East; an occasion when a lot of people sell different things to collect money for a good purpose
83.bearable (adj.) : something that is bearable is difficult or unpleasant, but you can deal with it
84.beautify (v.) : to make someone or something beautiful
85.bedtime (n.) : the time when you usually go to bed
86.beeper (n.) : a small machine that you carry with you which makes short high electronic sounds to tell you that you must telephone someone [= bleeper, pager]
87.beforehand (adv.) : before something else happens or is done
88.belongings (n.) : the things you own, especially things that you can carry with you [= possessions]
89.beloved (n.) : the person that you love most
90.beloved (adj.) : loved very much by someone
91.beneficial (adj.) : having a good effect
92.betray (v.) : to be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed or upset
93.beware (v.) : used to warn someone to be careful because something is dangerous
94.bewilder (v.) : to confuse someone (n.) : an offer to pay a particular price for something, especially at an auction
     bid (v.) : to offer to pay a particular price for goods, especially in an auction
96.blacksmith (n.) :  someone who makes and repairs things made of iron, especially horseshoes
97.blade (n.) : the flat cutting part of a tool or weapon
98.blast (v.) : to damage or destroy something, or to injure or kill someone, using a gun or a bomb
99.blaze (n.) : a big dangerous fire - used especially in news reports
     blaze (v.) : to burn very brightly and strongly; to shine with a very bright light; if someone's eyes are blazing, their eyes are shining brightly because they are feeling a very strong emotion, usually anger


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